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Rathaus goes Cloud

We are building digital services for selected communes and communities in Germany - in the cloud.


Our Impact

  • Digital cloud services for 15 communes

  • Safe and compliant with current legislation

  • End-to-end digitized processes across commune boundaries

The Challenge

Communal administration is striving for digitalization. This is because end-to-end digitalized processes for citizens and those working in town halls are few and far between. Media disruptions and manual files in paper form are currently making work more difficult. Citizens and companies are also increasingly expecting digital solutions - as they are used to in other areas. The hurdle: The processes and the underlying laws and regulations are often still not geared towards digital processes.

The Solution

The RathausCloud shows how end-to-end digitalized processes can become a reality even in a strictly regulated environment. The RathausCloud is a platform promoted by the RathausCloud operating cooperative in Saxony and technically developed by Exxeta, which bundles municipal digital services. For currently 15 communes in Saxony, various processes are mapped on one platform - cloud-based, secure and compliant with the Online Access Act.

A cloud-based white label solution for communes

We operate the RathausCloud in a cloud infrastructure. A first in public administration. But this makes the system scalable, open to clients and other services - and therefore fit for the future. It also complies with all applicable regulations and laws.

RathausCloud is designed as a white label solution. This means that the user interface blends seamlessly into the design of the respective commune - for a consistent experience.

Digital collaboration across communal boundaries

The solution enables seamless collaboration between individual communes and departments. Say goodbye to silo boundaries. To this end, we have networked offices, internal and external consultation partners and specialist processes in the cloud in terms of data and processes. It is also connected to the communes' individual POS systems.

This makes it possible to map all processes on one platform - from the application by a citizen to processing by employees, right through to notification and billing. This results in significant time savings for commune employees - and therefore more time for important things.

These processes are already digitized end-to-end

Selected processes have already been digitized. These include, for example

  • Traffic law order

  • Traditional bonfires and fireworks

  • Special use, e.g. for outdoor seat registrations

  • Dog tax registration

  • Tree felling

We are gradually implementing further processes in the Rathaus Cloud.

  • With RathausCloud, we are demonstrating that cloud-based solutions for public administration in Germany are definitely possible - if the necessary industry knowledge and IT expertise are brought together.

Let's connect

Frank Sonne Portrait

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