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Strategy & Transformation

With energetic but deliberately chosen steps toward the digital future. With a clear strategy - and with the latest digital technologies that boost the core business and create new business models. 

Digital Strategy

A digital strategy that precisely matches your strengths is the master plan for long-term success in competitive markets. We analyze competitive advantages, and create new business models, products and services. Together, we pursue digital and sustainable paths.

#Digital & Corporate Innovation #Product & Venture Studio #Startup Portfolio

Digital Transformation

Time-to-market records and customers who know at all times they are the center of attention, who could be more satisfied? Just a few of the success stories we write every day. How? With customer-centric IT or a new operating model with agile tools or new-work methods. For us, these are not buzzwords, but drivers of digital transformation.

#Kundenzentrierung #Technology Modernization #Agile & New Work #Operating Model

Tech Strategy

IT used to be just a cost center - today it's a driver of innovation. We work together to exploit all potential. With well thought-out cloud and data strategies, and with tech and software that works. So the complex becomes simple - and the right tech strategy becomes the foundation for sustainable success.

#Cloud Strategy #Data Strategy #Software Architecture #Tech Sourcing


Sustainable is the new digital. That's why we're creating new business models to make the world a little more sustainable through technology. But how can sustainability goals be defined and achieved? We use ESG criteria to redefine what success looks like for both our customers and ourselves.

#Sustainability Reports #Carbon Offsetting #ESG-Reporting #Circular Economy #Smart Energy

Tech & Digital Services

For over 15 years we've been using technology for change. We create digital services and products that inspire and deliver sustainable positive impact for business. Let's take advantage of the best technologies.

Customer Experience

Measure, learn, adjust. Our gut feeling is usually good - but we don't rely on it. Instead, we test the customer experience. Again, again and again. This is how we create solutions that inspire digitally based on data, solutions that are measurable and sustainably successful. For real added value, delivering more reach and revenue.

#Customer Experience UX/UI Design #Research & Testing #Digital Marketing


Collecting data alone is not enough. It only has a value when we use it correctly. With the right analysis and AI-based methods, we get the most out of all data. The result: Greater efficiency and new, successful business models.

#Business Analytics #Data Engineering #Artificial Intelligence


Why do everything yourself? When it comes to modern infrastructure and data security, outsourcing is simply smarter. Where? To the cloud. To the most secure servers. We make flexible, automatable and scalable systems possible, with which all the advantages of modern clouds can be used.

#Cloud Infrastructure #Cloud Native #Cloud Readiness & Migration

Software Development

Sometimes an off-the-shelf solution is enough - but quite often it's not. That's why we always build the exact software that fits the company's goals. Holistically, always secure and data protection compliant.

#Requirements Engineering #Custom Development & Platforms #Mobile Applications #Integration #Legacy Migration & Maintenance


We throw silo thinking out the window. With us, developers and operational teams pull together. Or rather: Pull on the same string. The big advantage? Fast code that causes real cheers, and operations that run so smoothly that you wish they had always been there.

#Continuous Delivery #Test-Engineering #Operations