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Digitization Check

Exxeta implements an innovative digital tool for Berlin Sparkasse

#Digitization #Digital Transformation
Foto des Berliner Fernsehturms von unten

Our Impact

The Challenge

Digital transformation is intensifying competition. This is a problem for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Despite a desire to digitize, they often lack the capital and know-how to implement digitization projects quickly. Competition is also intensifying for banks - both in the private customer business and when it comes to securing medium-sized corporate customers (SMEs). One way to successfully attract and retain these customers in the future is to digitize their business models.

Together with Berliner Sparkasse, we wanted to create a digital tool. The goal: small and medium-sized enterprises should be able to determine their own digital maturity level and receive precise recommendations for action as well as initial advice from the bank.

The Solution

A digitisation check. The tool uses various core questions to determine the digital maturity level of SMEs. Based on the result, special software solutions for the various application areas and initial advice from the bank is offered.

A real win-win situation

Always in focus: The individual circumstances of each company. That's why the digitization check is geared to specific user interests – resulting in a great customer experience thanks to simple user guidance.  

This results in a real win-win situation: Sparkasse demonstrates its digital competence and advises SMEs on one of their most pressing issues - the financing of digital projects. Digitization of business areas becomes child's play, and Sparkasse an attractive financing partner.

The procedure

We acted as a full-service provider and managed the full process from conception through to user experience design and final implementation – with further development and maintenance included. During development, we interviewed over 100 corporate customers from medium-sized businesses. From the interview results, we developed a questionnaire which looked at the customer's entire business area, but also at individual functions and specifics of the company. 

What the experts say

  • "It is very motivating to experience the enthusiasm of our customers after the digitization check and the associated advisory meeting. Berliner Sparkasse's expertise beyond purely financial issues is particularly well received. The Digitization Check is a unique selling point that we use to increase customer loyalty and earnings at the same time - that makes us proud."

Jessica Haag

Director Brand & Communication